Yoga is an ancient practice used to strengthen both the body and mind. People of all ages practice yoga for its many health and spiritual benefits. But whether you’re a certified yogi or beginner, yoga props can help to improve your form and deepen the stretch in your poses.

The yoga wheel is one such prop that helps to improve your flexibility and offer support during challenging yoga positions. Typically made from plastic, cork, or a combination of both, the yoga wheel is quite literally a wheel, cylindrical in shape with a diameter of roughly 12 inches.

But what are the benefits of a yoga wheel and how do you use one? Keep reading to find out.

Benefits of a Yoga Wheel

Spinal Massage

Yoga wheels are perfect tools for stretching and massaging your spine. Release tension in your back muscles by using a yoga wheel to work out any kinks.

Much like a bosu ball or foam roller, you can use a yoga wheel to lean back on for spinal support. Start in a seated position with the yoga wheel at the base of your spine. Plant your feet on the ground and then gently roll your spine back onto the wheel.

From here, you can press against your feet to move the wheel up and down along your spine. Doing so will help to increase flexibility and feel amazing for your back.


Offers Support

Yoga wheels can help offer support during difficult poses and exercises. While yoga blocks can be used as support for some poses, yoga wheels help you where they can’t.

For example, a yoga wheel can be used during a reclined butterfly pose to support your back. For beginners, or people with limited flexibility, certain poses are difficult if not impossible without support.

In a reclined butterfly pose, the yoga wheel acts as support for your spine as you lean back. The yoga wheel allows you to modify the pose to your own capability.


Increases Flexibility

Backbends are one of the toughest moves for many people. Deep backbends are even tougher.

Place a yoga wheel behind you to steady and lengthen the pose and increase your backbend flexibility. Start by placing the yoga wheel at the base of your spine. Then lean back onto the wheel, as in hero pose. From here, practice your breathing as you would during normal yoga practice.

A yoga wheel can help you increase your flexibility in poses by allowing you to work up to your full capability.


Strengthens Your Core

Yoga wheels can be used to perform core exercises such as rollouts and planks.

Start on your hands and knees with palms planted firmly on the ground. Make sure the yoga wheel is placed behind your feet. Slowly come off your knees and place your feet on top of the yoga wheel. Either stay here in plank pose or bring your knees into your chest, rolling the wheel with you. Return to plank pose and repeat.

By using the yoga wheel, you must work harder to keep your balance in plank pose. Fighting for stability engages your core muscles more and makes the pose more difficult.


Strengthens Your Lower Body

You can use a yoga wheel as a stabilizer and prop during poses that focus on lower body strength.

During a low lunge pose, you can place the wheel beneath your front thigh for a deeper hamstring stretch. Or place it below the back quad for a deeper quad stretch.

To strengthen your glutes, begin in standing pose. Extend one leg off to the side and place your heel on top of the yoga wheel. From here, bend the standing leg into a deep squat. You’ll strengthen both your glutes and quad muscles.


Improves Balance and Stability

A yoga wheel can be used to enhance yoga poses you would normally do to improve your balance and stability.

The Malasana pose, or yogi squat, becomes much more intense when performed on a yoga wheel. Start by carefully stepping onto your yoga wheel. Find your balance as you lower into your squat and hold.


Can Help You Stretch

Use your yoga wheel to help stretch out your hamstrings during a seated forward fold.

Start by sitting on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you. Place and hold your yoga wheel between both of your feet. Lift your arms and chest up high, then bend at the waist and lean over onto your thighs.

Grab hold of the yoga wheel with both of your hands and pull back for a deep hamstring stretch.


What’s the Difference Between a Yoga Wheel and a Foam Roller?

Foam rollers are excellent tools for massaging sore muscles and giving you support during some stretches. The difference between foam rollers and yoga wheels are their design and versatility.

Foam rollers are made from hard foam and cylindrical in shape. They are longer than yoga wheels, however, and don’t have as large of a diameter. Foam rollers are made for exercise recovery and not equipped to support you during exercise.

Yoga wheels, on the other hand, have a much more versatile design that allows you to perform numerous exercises and poses. They are made to support you during difficult poses and help you to increase your flexibility.


Do You Need a Yoga Wheel?

Yoga wheels are ideal for anyone who is looking to enhance their yoga practice. Yoga wheels offer a fun and creative way to improve flexibility, strengthen your muscles, and deepen your poses.

If you’re a yogi beginner or have mobility restraints, yoga wheels can help you to overcome some of your flexibility challenges. With a yoga wheel, you can feel more confident when practicing your poses knowing it’s there for support.

There are tons of fun and interesting ways to use your yoga wheel. Get creative and find unique ways your yoga wheel can benefit you. A yoga wheel is not essential for your yoga practice, but it makes it a lot more fun.